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How to Make Scones

Updated March 26, 2020
Scones are made with a quick bread and are great for breakfast. Here's how to make a batch in record time.

The basic scone recipe is, well, basic! But like many things in cooking, it's important to get the basics right. A hard and heavy scone is no one's idea of yummy. There are ways to make scones fluffier and more delicious—with just a little know-how, and one or two added ingredients along the way.

Ingredients to Make Scones

The basic scone recipe consists of butter, dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, sugar and salt), and wet ingredients. The secret to truly scrumptious scones lies in the wet ingredients. Make sure your butter and dry ingredients have been incorporated into a breadcrumb texture before you try this alternative wet mix.

How to Make Scones

ginger pecan scones

Add a single serving (about 1/2 cup) of natural full-fat yogurt to 4 tablespoons full-fat milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor. Heat them together in a microwave for 1 minute. The mix will probably be lumpy after heating it, and it will definitely be hot.

Working quickly, add this wet mix to the middle of the bowl and your dry mix. Using an ordinary cutlery knife, begin to work the two mixes into each other. As soon as they are just mixed, stop.

Work It, But Don't Over-Work It

The next big key in creating great scones is in not overworking the dough at any stage. With your dough on the surface, fold it over a few times to make sure it is smooth—no need to knead. No need for a rolling pin either—simply press out the dough with your hands until it is 1 1/2 inches thick.

When you cut out your scones, dip your cutters in flour beforehand. Scone mix tastes great when cooked but can be a little sticky to work with. After cutting one, simply push the remaining dough back together again. Repeat until the dough is all used up.

Bake them at a high temperature for no more than 12 minutes, and then you'll be in fluffy scone heaven.

Optional Extras

rhubarb drop scones

With your newly acquired scone making skills, you may now want to know how to make scones even more of a knock-out. You can easily throw in some dried fruit to add taste and texture to your scones (sultanas and glace cherries work particularly well), and a superior finish to your scones is only a brush of egg and milk mix away.

You can save your scones for later too, by freezing them once cooked and cooled. Make sure you squeeze out any air in the bag before you throw them in the freezer. Defrost them overnight at room temperature and then heat them through in a low oven for just a few minutes. No one will know they’re not fresh!