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How to Cut an Avocado Like a Pro

how to cut an avocado
If you’re looking for the easiest and safest way to slice, dice and cube fresh avocado, then you’re in the right place. There really isn’t a wrong way to cut an avocado – but there’s certainly is a better way.

How to Tell if an Avocado is Ripe

how to tell if an avocado is ripe

You always want to start with a ripe avocado. If you press your finger into it, you can tell the avocado is ripe if it has a slight give. Ripe avocados are generally a little darker than their unripe siblings, but this measurement is a little less accurate as some varieties of avocados stay green even after they’re ripe. If your avocados aren’t turning fast enough, you can speed up the process by placing a couple of them in a tightly-closed paper bag. Still not quick enough for you? Throw an apple in there to really kickstart the process.

If you’re worried about your avocado turning brown after it’s been cut, a good way to preserve the beautiful green color is to squeeze a little fresh lemon or lime juice over top and cover in plastic wrap.

How to Cut an Avocado

running your knife lengthwise around the entire avocado

Start by running your knife lengthwise around the entire avocado, stopping at the pit in the center. Place both of your hands on either side of the avocado halves and gently twist to detach both halves from the pit.

With a heavy, sharp knife, swiftly and carefully bring the blade of the knife to the avocado pit

To safely remove the pit, grab a cloth towel to hold the avocado half with the pit still attached. The towel will help protect your hand. If you’re still worried about losing fingers, place the avocado on the towel, then lay them both on your cutting board. With a heavy, sharp knife, swiftly and carefully bring the blade of the knife to the avocado pit, causing the blade to stick in the pit. Gently twist the knife, loosening the pit from the center of the avocado. Use the cloth towel to grasp the pit, carefully pull from the knife and discard.

How to Cut Cubes

using a small knife to make horizontal and vertical slices across the avocado

To cube avocado for salsa or guacamole, start by using a small knife to make horizontal and vertical slices across the avocado, but not through the skin. Slide a spoon between the peel and the flesh, scooping the avocado out of the skin. What you should end up with are beautiful little avocado cubes.

How to Cut Wedges

Cut three slices into each quarter, then gently pull back the peel

If you want to make wedges for a salad, cut the avocado in half and remove the pit, using the same method as before. Next, cut each part in half again, dividing the avocado into quarters. Cut three slices into each quarter, then gently pull back the peel. Perfect wedges, every time.

How to Cut Slices

slide a spoon between the peel and the flesh, then turn it cut side down onto a cutting board

Let’s say you have a juicy burger that you want to top with thin slices of avocado. Just as before, cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Next, slide a spoon between the peel and the flesh, then turn it cut side down onto a cutting board. Use your knife to cut slices as thick or thin as you want.

Congratulations! Now you know how to cut an avocado like a boss, while still keeping all your fingers.

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