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How to Make a Watermelon into a "Keg"

By E is for Eat
How to Make a Watermelon into a
With just a few easy steps, turn a watermelon into a keg, then fill with any beverage you want for your next backyard party or barbecue.

Watermelons aren't just for eating – they're for serving up a tasty drink!

It’s a watermelon. It’s a keg. It’s both!! 

If you’re throwing a BBQ or party at any point this summer, you should definitely try this clever party trick to serve up your favorite summer beverage. (Heck, you should throw one specifically to use this awesome idea!) 

First, you’ll need a watermelon (duh). Try to find one that’s relatively flat on the bottom so it will sit upright on its own. (If you can’t find one, you can always set it inside of a bowl). Cut off the top. You can cut a straight line across the top OR you can use a cute little zigzag design like me. (Psssst! Use the cute zigzag design.) If you still have any pumpkin carving tools lying around from Halloween, they might come in handy. 

Scoop out the watermelon. An ice cream scoop works great here! Save some or all of the watermelon to incorporate into a delicious party punch. 

Using a paper towel, wipe out the insides of your watermelon/brand new awesome “keg”. 

Attach your spigot. I found this handy kit on Amazon. You’ll want to drill a hole no bigger than the size of your spigot so it fits securely. Screw the spigot into the watermelon and secure on the other side with the provided nut. 

Before adding your beverage, fill your watermelon with water to make sure there aren't any leaks and that everything is flowing nicely. I perched mine atop a base for a regular drink dispenser that I own, but a bowl that’s slightly smaller than the base of your watermelon can work too. 

From here, fill your melon with whatever beverage you want – you could try lemonade, ice tea, a fruity cocktail, or punch! (Bonus points if you are also wearing watermelon-colored nail polish). I decided to create a tasty Boozy Watermelon Punch by blending up some of my watermelon chunks with vodka, lime and a little mint. And then I maybe added a champagne floater. (Because everything is better with champagne). It was faaaaaabbbbbulous. 

BTW ... this trick will also work with a pumpkin at Halloween.

How cool is that? 

Have you ever tried turning a watermelon into a “keg”? What kind of punch did you use? Leave your comments in the section below! 

Jaymee Sire is an Emmy award-winning sports anchor by day and food blogger by night. (Or sometimes vice-versa depending on the sports schedule). You can check out more of Jaymee’s delicious creations on her alphabet-themed food blog, e is for eat.