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5 Make-Ahead Breakfast Recipes
Recipe #1: Freezer-Friendly Quiche and Sausage Breakfast Sandwiches
Waking up is hard, and it’s time you finally receive the prize you deserve (that would be the sandwich pictured above). Anyone can make an egg sandwich; visionaries make quiche sandwiches, packed with spinach and feta and stacked with breakfast sausage and even more (Swiss) cheese.
To reheat: Unwrap from plastic wrap, then wrap in a paper towel, microwave at 70% power for 2-3 minutes, or until the sandwich is heated through.
Recipe #2: Overnight Chia Pudding
Combine four ingredients on Sunday, and be rewarded with pudding for breakfast all week long. We repeat: PUDDING FOR BREAKFAST. The recipe calls for 1 cup of fruit, and you can definitely add more if you like.
Tip: If strawberry’s not your thing (no judgment here), you can use any flavor fruit and spread that you like. This would taste awesome with raspberry.
Recipe #3: Quinoa Trail Mix Breakfast Cookies
Grab 1 cup of cooked quinoa and make a batch of these sweet and filling breakfast cookies. (Chocolate for breakfast = a very good idea.)
How to store: These keep great in the fridge for grab-and-go breakfasts all week. You can even freeze the finished product! Place baked cookies on a sheet pan lined with parchment and pop the whole pan in the freezer. Store frozen cookies in a sealed bag or container, defrost whenever you need a sweet snack or commute-friendly breakfast.
Recipe #4: Denver Omelet Breakfast Burritos
Prepare to take the concept of “rise and shine” from myth to reality. Packed with a full dozen eggs and country-style breakfast potatoes, these omelet-filled burritos are pretty much the greatest gift you can give yourself. This recipe yields 8 burritos, but if you like your tortillas slightly less full, you can stretch that to 10. That’s two workweeks’ worth of breakfast!
To reheat in microwave: Remove frozen burrito from aluminum foil and wrap in paper towel. Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes or until heated through.
Recipe #5: Strawberry Yogurt Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
Living proof that oatmeal, yogurt and fruit are one of the most wholesome breakfast combos out there. We made this with strawberry yogurt and chopped frozen strawberries, but you can use any fruit flavor profile you desire. (How good would vanilla yogurt + diced peaches be?)
How to store: For easy grab-and-go breakfasts or snacks, wrap each bar in plastic wrap, then stash in the fridge. They’ll keep for up to a week.
Grocery List
Here’s what you’ll need to make each recipe. (Note: We’re assuming you already have salt, pepper, cooking spray and olive oil in your pantry.)
Freezer-Friendly Quiche and Sausage Breakfast Sandwiches
- Crushed red pepper flakes
- Fresh garlic
- 1 medium onion
- 8 oz button mushrooms
- 1 package (10 oz) frozen spinach
- 4 oz. feta cheese
- Sliced Swiss cheese
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 lb pork breakfast sausage
- 6 English muffins
Overnight Chia Pudding
- 1 jar (10 oz) Cascadian Farm™ organic strawberry fruit spread
- Fresh strawberries (recipe calls for 1 cup)
- 1 large container (32 oz) Yoplait® Original vanilla yogurt
- Chia seeds (recipe calls for 1/4 cup)
Quinoa Trail Mix Breakfast Cookies
- Eggs (recipe calls for 1 egg)
- 1 cup cooked quinoa
- 1 box (40 oz) Bisquick Heart Smart™ mix
- Coconut oil
- Coconut sugar
- Vanilla extract
- Shredded coconut
- Chopped pecans, walnuts or sunflower seeds (recipe calls for 1/4 cup)
- Dried cranberries
- M&M’s™ dark chocolate candies
Denver Omelet Breakfast Burritos
- 1 dozen eggs
- 8 oz sharp cheddar cheese
- Unsalted butter
- 1 large onion
- 1 large red bell pepper
- 1 large green bell pepper
- 1 package (16 oz) Cascadian Farm™ Frozen Organic Country Style Potatoes
- Diced ham
- 8-10 Old El Paso™ flour tortillas for burritos
Strawberry Yogurt Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
- Milk
• Butter (salted or unsalted)
- Eggs (recipe calls for 2 eggs)
- Yoplait® Original Yogurt Strawberry (either 1 32-oz container or 2 6-oz containers; recipe calls for 1 cup)
- Rolled (old-fashioned) oats
- White whole wheat flour
- Baking soda
- Cinnamon
- Brown sugar
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