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What Your Favorite Christmas Cookie Says About You

Updated February 18, 2020
Attention cookie lovers! The time has come. Between now and the new year, you’ll have ample opportunities to bake and eat your little cookie hearts out. Whether you’re a gingerbread fiend or a snickerdoodle fanatic, the cookie you love is far from random. Read on to see what your favorite Christmas cookie says about you.

Sugar Cookies

Slice and Bake Cream Cheese Sugar Cookie

You have a brilliant mind and a no-nonsense approach to getting stuff done, and if there’s one thing you know, it’s that the best Christmas cookies are simple, sweet and ready in a snap. So, while others may fuss over complicated Christmas treats, you're whipping up a batch of no-fail sugar cookies in minutes. You’re one smart cookie but we didn’t have to tell you that.

If you love sugar cookies, you should try:

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies with Pecans

We’re guessing you have a million-trillion friends—and maybe even a few low-key frenemies, too (just sayin’). With so many admirers, it makes sense that your go-to cookie would be one for the masses. Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? No one. Who doesn’t love you? Same.

If you love chocolate chip cookies, you should try:

Peanut Butter Cookies


You’re as nutty as a peanut butter cookie. It’s a bold statement but hear us out. Your independent spirit and out-of-the-box thinking means you’re unlike anyone else and while there are a lot of tasty cookies out there, none are as addictively sweet and subtly salty as the PB cookie. So say it loud: you’re nutty and you're proud!

If you love peanut butter cookies, you should try:

Shortbread Cookies


Friends and fam can always count on you to tell it like it is but in the most loving way. A feel-good friend deserves a feel-good cookie and nothing will give you the feels like a rich, buttery shortbread cookie, areweright?

If you like shortbread cookies, you should try:

Oatmeal Cookies

Easy Holiday Oatmeal Cookies

A nurturer by nature, you’ve got a big heart and are always the first to lend a helping hand. Packed with oatmeal and sweet chocolate chips, of course, your go-to cookie would be as wholesome as you.

If you like oatmeal cookies, you should try:

Gingerbread Cookies

Stressed Out Gingerbread Men

You? Humble? Never! No really, no one would ever describe you as humble. You have sass, you have class; it’s no wonder your cookie sensibilities slant cinnamon-spicy.

If you like gingerbread cookies, you should try:

Snickerdoodle Cookies


With its goofy name, chewy texture and crackle-like topping, you’re about as serious as a snickerdoodle. Why? Well, you refuse to take yourself too seriously and your “lol” antics are #legendary. Hey, life is sometimes serious, but your Christmas cookie shouldn’t ever be anything but a good time.

If you like snickerdoodle cookies, you should try: